New Chapter?

New Chapter?

I think something is ‘happening’ in my life that I really don’t understand. So today I decided to start trying to write about it, and then maybe I will make some more sense of it.

Lets begin by going back in time to when I was 29. I was so worried that turning 30 was going to be depressing and I felt that I was in mourning for my youth. I predicted a miserable adjustment period, leading to a reluctant acceptance that my fun days were over. Then I turned 30 and nothing changed! There was no doom and gloom, which was greatly helped by celebrating with a holiday in the sun! Hallelujah!!!!

Fast forward to the present day….. and I am having a seriously tough time. I am months away from my (32nd) birthday, and I don’t feel like that’s the reason, however 3 months ago….. December 2016….. I moved house for reasons that are really ‘grown up’ haha We moved to an area with the best schools and chose a house that was tucked away from any main roads etc and opposite a quaint play park for our youngest. Also in December 2016….. I got married!

It is now March 2017 and I feel disorientated, lonely and basically the exact opposite of what I am ‘meant’ to feel! So why is this New Chapter not all flowers, smiles and wonderful walks in our new village??

Not to go into too much detail but I have had a fair few encounters with mental health issues in the past and I seriously began thinking that maybe I was reaching another depressive episode. However instead of just thinking ‘aha that’s what it is… I can sit back suffer the ride’ I decided to try and use the arsenal of tools I have been given by professionals in the past.

I began really thinking about and picking apart the reason why I am feeling low. During this process I have come to realise that I am going through a massive transition! Quite possibly the transition I ‘thought’ would happen when I left my twenties! I have left my comfort zone, quite literally by moving towns, and by status within my relationship. I am turning into the ‘adult – adult’ me, and I think it’s going to take some working at!

Now, I have two children and haven’t been partying and living the high life up until now and I never considered myself immature or ‘not an adult’, but I am realising that there are many chapters to being a ‘grown up’ and I am entering my next one!

So, I now begin; forming new friendships or as a very inspirational woman recently told me ‘find my tribe’, adapting to my new surroundings, which includes finding a new social scene where I don’t feel like I am drinking amongst the cast of a young reality TV show!!!, and most of all learning how to be happy wife!

Wish me luck and feel free to offer any advice!

Thanks for reading, N x

No More…

No More…


I want to SHOUT really loud about something that is happening every day, in every city, town and village. I want to shout ‘NO MORE’, No More domestic abuse, No More sexual assault, and my shouts will be louder the more people who join me!

As a Jamberry consultant I have teamed up with an amazing charity called Fight Against Domestic Violence . Their mission is to provide education, awareness, outreach, and financial resources to the domestic violence victim and their community.

Not a victim of domestic violence? Neither am I but unfortunately it is never far from us. Here are a few facts (SaveLives ):

  • Each year around 2.1m people suffer some form of domestic abuse –  1.4 million women (8.5% of the population) and 700,000 men (4.5% of the population)
  • Each year more than 100,000 people in the UK are at high and imminent risk of being murdered or seriously injured as a result of domestic abuse
  • In 2013-14 the police recorded 887,000 domestic abuse incidents in England and Wales
  • Seven women a month are killed by a current or former partner in England and Wales
  • 130,000 children live in homes where there is high-risk domestic abuse
  • 62% of children living with domestic abuse are directly harmed by the perpetrator of the abuse, in addition to the harm caused by witnessing the abuse of others 
  • On average high-risk victims live with domestic abuse for 2.3 years before getting help
  • 85% of victims sought help five times on average from professionals in the year before they got effective help to stop the abuse.

So what am doing to help? Well to start with I am talking about it, I am bringing awareness to those around me and educating them on the how widespread this issue is. I want more people to No More to domestic violence.

With Jamberry I am also providing pamper kits to centres, homes and refuges, containing all the tools and products for ladies to give themselves a little treat. Obviously this by no means will heal them of their traumas, but they will get the opportunity to concentrate on themselves. I am also attending local refuges to help with those pamper sessions, giving manicures and applying nail art.


Jamberry have a launched a specially designed nail wrap called ‘No More’ and will make a donation for every wrap sold, on top of that I am personally donating all of my profits from this wrap.


I hope that even if I reach just one person and make them say ‘No More’ to domestic violence that I will have helped!

Thanks for reading,


New beginnings…

New beginnings…


Well Hi there! And welcome to my brand spanking new blog! First things first… I’ve never written a blog before & (please forgive me) I only began reading blogs very recently! So please be nice…. and patient with me 🙂

So, WHY have I decided to begin writing & what on earth am I going to write about? My ‘why’ is that I’ve got soooooo much whizzing round my head, some things are just plain old grumpy mum complaints, some funny & some things that just maybe would help or be useful to others!

Before I ‘try’ and explain what I may (or may not) write about, I’ll tell you a little about me:

I am a 31 year old mother of 2, living in Lancashire, UK and I recently (Dec 2016) married a very lucky man! As well as being an Independent Jamberry Consultant I also work for a company called Mad Science, where I visit a couple of Primary Schools a week to deliver an hour of fun science education during after school programmes. I suppose to sum me up I am a science loving mother and wife with amazing nails!

I think that is where I’ll start with my writing then:

  • Parenting
  • Family
  • Science
  • Jamberry

I hope you enjoy the ride and hopefully watch me grow and find my niche in this brand new world of mine.

Thanks for reading,

N x